Monday, May 11, 2015

Challenges of Large Classes and Some Tips

          Large classes are equal to more problems, more responsibility and more fatigue. If we look at from the teacher side, it is really hard to manage the classroom. In my primary school, we were forty-five students and I cannot imagine my teacher’s condition. He had to take care of all of us. He had to stop boys who run in the class or separate girls who fought. Also, in the teaching, he had to teach all of us and making the students listen to him was almost impossible. From the students’ side, some of them were calm and they wanted to study in a peaceful class. Some of them did not care what they learned or what would happen if teacher reacted in a bad way to their behavior.

          More interestingly, teachers should re-organize instruction to address the needs of large classes. In a small class, teacher can handle students’ behavior or when they do not understand something, he can explain again and again. However, in a large class, teacher should consider more than one possible occasion inside the class. The teacher should identify instruction according to students’ needs and expectations. For example, instead of teaching all the class time, he\she can organize games and make the topic more interesting and informative. Instead of giving boring homework, he\she can give homework which students can work together and discover something interesting. In the class time, he\she can encourage students work in a group. This helps the teacher deal with the students’ inappropriate attitudes. Also, teacher would be comfortable in order to teach his\her students.

          Some people suggest some tips about dealing with large classes. I will mention some of them. First one is similar with what I said. When working in groups, students sit in a circle and this makes everyone to have a chance to participate. Participation makes students realize that they are capable of doing beneficial things for themselves. Next tip can be about using technology. Children are keen on using technology. This can interest them and be willing to participate in it. Teacher can teach students from the internet (TEAMVIEWER) and students listen to them in their homes. Also, writing to the blog or using e-mail system can make students enthusiastic to the lessons.

          Furthermore, there are other people who recommend some tips. Moving around the class when talking make students engage actively and it can reduce the physical and social distance between students and teacher. Also, positive relationship with the students builds a willingness to participate to the classroom activities. Teacher should be eager to know their students. Lastly, explaining the reasons of taking exams or homework can reduce students’ negative reactions to these kinds of examinations. 



Sunday, May 10, 2015

Educational Paradigm

I do not think that we can make changes in our current system of education. The first and main reason is about our governmental problems. But, I will not go into it. Other than that the students cannot see other solutions except studying hard and being able to accepted by a university. I think I would be able to do something as an individual teacher in any process of changing the current educational paradigm. I can show my students that there are other solutions they can look at. For example, instead of just studying exams they can get hobbies. In an appropriate environment, students can both study their lessons and be interested in their hobbies. I think it is an important thing for students to see ‘other world’. Our educational system is based on ‘study your lesson if you want to be successful’. But, there are other options that can be crucial for students’ lives.  

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Growth Mindset

I do not think that I have had teachers who promoted a growth mindset. Maybe in Turkish education, it would be chance to work with teachers who show your way or encourage you for success. Most of my successes that I do are for me. So, I do not success for making someone else happy, maybe for my family. Anyway, they would be happy from my happiness as well as my success. Well, I’m not rewarded for success or getting high grades. I do not like stuff like that. So that, these things are my duty, I have to do them for myself. Why am I rewarded for them? My experiences raise me to the top of the ladder. Each experience helps your achievements in some way even if the bad experiences. Bad experiences make you realize that you should do more things to be better!

“Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss.” 
                                                                      ― Ralph Waldo Emerson