Sunday, February 22, 2015

First of all, because I want to be a beneficial person in the world, I chose to be an English teacher. Being a beneficial teacher means to be willing to teach, to be knowledgeable and to be able to improve in his\her professional area. Secondly, I want to be a teacher because of my personality. I am a diligent person, so I can search more things to be helpful to my students. I want to know my students’ needs and their deficient knowledge about the topics. I have had an experience working with children 2 years ago. When I was in the prep school, there was a project about teaching English to students. I worked there voluntarily and met a lot of children. Because their ages were not too young, I could easily deal with them. I behaved friendly and helpful to them. I wanted to know their missing topics and worked on them. This year, I hope to learn more about teaching skills; how to behave to students or how to react any problems, which approach should I use or should I use any method in the classroom. By the time I graduate, I hope to be a profession in my job. I want to know all kind of academic and pedagogic knowledge.

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