Wednesday, November 11, 2015


As a TEFL student I can choose topics about teaching and learning English with GOOGLE ALERTs. I can add alerts such as best way to learn vocabulary, improving listening skill or interesting facts about English history. GOOGLE ALERTs enables sending your alerts to your friends or teachers. I can share articles or news with my friends and teachers. Also, this is a useful device for finding different topics that belong to important people in the field of TEFL. Also GOOGLE ALERTs send you an e-mail about topic or topics that you are interested. Therefore, you do not have to search the topic again and again. I liked this feature. I have read a few articles about what GOOGLE ALERTs mean and how it works. I think it is a bit complicated. I had difficulty while figuring out. When I am a teacher, GOOGLE ALERTs can be useful for my students. It is an interactive online application. My students can enjoy it while working on it. I did not see any educational side of GOOGLE ALERTs but still it can be a good opportunity for students to see others ideas and comments on different topics.

Here a few sites that help you understand how GOOGLE ALERTs works J

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